Karen's Easy & Hard Balance
Focus On The Legs
Balancing postures are some of the most frustrating poses for many yoga students. This class will explore some the most popular balance poses, some of which are easy and some are harder. Karen will guide you through about 37 minutes of finding your balance! Poses include Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Anjaneyasana Variation (Crescent Pose), Marjaryasana & Bitilasana (Cat/Cow Pose), Vrksasana(Tree Pose) and more.
Up Next in Focus On The Legs
Drinie's Runner's Stretch
Naturally, yoga can be used as a tool to help aid many other physical activities. In this class, Drinie will show you many yoga poses that could prove to be very helpful to runners. Of course, most runners will tell you that stretching is vital, so a short yoga stretch can be a good way to prep f...
Kim's Time Saving Leg Toner
If you're running short on time, this class with Kim should help! This sequence is only about 15 minutes in length and it's dedicated to postures that will help you make the legs stronger. Many of these poses will also help to tone and tighten the glutes. The class would fall into the Intermediat...
Drinie's Ease Into Your Day
This class will keep things simple and grounded. The class is a slow moving restorative style stretch with a focus to help you start your day the right way! The sequence wouldn't fall into the classic restorative category but it contains restorative elements. We would feel safe in saying that the...