Drinie's Ease Into Your Day
Focus On The Legs
This class will keep things simple and grounded. The class is a slow moving restorative style stretch with a focus to help you start your day the right way! The sequence wouldn't fall into the classic restorative category but it contains restorative elements. We would feel safe in saying that the class is suitable for beginners. The only needed prop would be a yoga strap or your choice of a replacement to act as a strap. Poses include numerous gentle stretches including Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle), Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose), Supta Matsyendrasana (Supine Spinal Twist), Baby Pigeon and more. As always practice safely. Enjoy!
Up Next in Focus On The Legs
Yuuki's Stand & Kick
Yuuki has a background in both martial arts, stage fighting and yoga! In this class, she will combine those skills for a cool sequence with plenty of yoga and some fun martial arts kicks and punches! If you're looking to spice up your time on the mat, this class should do the trick! ...
Daniela's Gentle Yin Thigh Stretch
Daniela is back for another slow paced Yin class, this time she will help you work on developing lower body flexibility! The class will include poses that will stretch the thighs, hamstrings and the groins. Like most Yin classes, you will have the chance to hold postures longer and hopefully move...
Yuuki's All Hands Off The Mat
This class will give you a great chance to stay on your feet and focus on the lower body. Yuuki will guide you through a 30 minute sequence that will keep your hands off the mat with your feet grounded. Chances are you will build a little sweat during this class. We would consider this class to b...