Katie's Yoga For Sleep
Restorative Classes
It's great to welcome Katie to our site as an instructor! Katie's first class is a relaxing Yin class focused on trying to aid your efforts for a deep sleep. All of us look forward to a good night of sleep and Yin yoga may help with your time under the covers. Yin yoga is a slow paced style of yoga in which poses are held for longer periods of time. Usually poses are held for about 5 minutes each in a Yin sequence. This class is 40 minutes in length and moves at a typical slow Yin pace. All the postures would be suitable for most beginners. Poses include Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Balasana (Child's Pose), Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold) and more. As always practice safely. Enjoy!
Up Next in Restorative Classes
Priscilla's Mellow Yin At The Wall
It's awesome to welcome Priscilla Leite to our site! Priscilla's first class is a mellow Yin Yoga sequence that would be easy for any yogi to practice while using a home wall. Yin Yoga is a slow paced style of yoga in which the poses are held for a longer period of time, some may also describe Yi...
Kim's Bedtime Yoga: Restorative
Kim is back with another class aimed to help you relax and restore before bed! In Kim's first bedtime class, she focused on releasing the lower back, this time Kim will lead you through a short restorative class to hopefully release tension and help you find a good night of sleep. A yoga strap an...
Mary's Hamstrings & Hips Restore
It's always nice to have Mary back on the site for one of her relaxing restorative classes! Restorative classes give you the chance to slow down your practice, take a little break from your flow and allow the body to restore and breathe. In this class, Mary will focus on the hamstrings and hips w...