Paige's Stretch & Flow
Deep Stretch Classes
It's always nice to have Paige back for another class! This time Paige delivers another one of her unique and fun classes designed to help you stretch and find some flexibility. The class is 25 minutes long and mixes in some nice movement and flow to go along with some postures for stretching. Most everyone enjoys a good stretch, and it certainly offers a variety of benefits. Stretching certainly helps blood flow and many believe that stretching can help prevent injury. This class will work well for the beginner student, but could also offer a little challenge! Poses include Adho Mukha Svanasana(Downward-Facing Dog), Low Lunge, Marjariasana (Cat), Bitilasana (Cow Pose), Balasana (Child's Pose), Camatkarasana (Wildthing Pose) and more. Enjoy.
Up Next in Deep Stretch Classes
Drine's Blissful Hips
It seems everyone loves a good hip opener class, and there's good reason! Most of us store a large amount of stress and tension in our hips, so it's always relaxing to open the hips and allow that tension to escape! There are even a few hip opening postures that can create emotion or even tears f...
Anna's True Beginners Episode 3
Anna is back with another addition to our True Beginner's Series! In episode 3, Anna will guide you through a 30 minute class which will focus on some fundamental stretching and flexibility poses. Yoga is certainly about much more than just stretching, but most of us desire to find more flexibili...
Paige's Hips, Splits & Hamstrings
We're very happy to have Paige Rene join us here on the site as an instructor! Paige is a wonderful instructor with a beautiful practice who you're sure to find inspiring. Paige's first class is a 30 minute sequence focused on helping you to open your hips, stretch your hamstrings, and also work ...