Paige's Hips, Splits & Hamstrings
Deep Stretch Classes
We're very happy to have Paige Rene join us here on the site as an instructor! Paige is a wonderful instructor with a beautiful practice who you're sure to find inspiring. Paige's first class is a 30 minute sequence focused on helping you to open your hips, stretch your hamstrings, and also work on your splits. This class moves at a slow but steady pace and could be suited for the beginner or intermediate student. Some students may find a few of the postures to be a challenge, but as always make sure to find your limit and practice safely. Poses include Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog), Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge), Utthan Pristhasana (Lizard Pose), Hanumanasana (Full Split), Camatkarasana (Wildthing Pose), Savasana and more. Enjoy.
Up Next in Deep Stretch Classes
Dana's Yoga For Athletes
Dana is back for another class, and this time she will lead you through a 30 minute class designed to be beneficial for athletes. Yoga for athletes is Dana's specialty as she's the yoga instructor for the Golden State Warriors. Many athletes have started to use yoga as a part of their overall tra...
Anna's Seek Flexibility
One of the most frustrating aspects to yoga for many students is fighting to develop more flexibility. Many new yoga students especially struggle to find flexibility in the hips and hamstrings, or maybe just trying to touch your toes is a challenge. If you desire to work on your flexibility, mayb...
Carleen's Chill Out & Stretch
If you're looking for a great deep stretch then this class may hit the spot and do the trick! Join Carleen for 26 minute stretch sequence that's geared to help you cool down after a more rigorous class or maybe you're just looking to chill out with a good stretch to release tension! Either way, t...