Christine's Relaxing Stretch
Deep Stretch Classes
If you're in search of good relaxing deep stretch then you may want to consider joining Christine and follow along during her 26 minute restorative class aimed at providing a solid deep stretch. This sequence could work well after a nice sweaty practice as a cool down, or could stand alone as a relaxing stretch to start or end your day. Christine provides a number of feel good stretches during the class to open the hips and shoulders! Poses include Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog),(Upward-Facing Dog), Bitilasana (Cow Pose), Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose), Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby), Balasana (Child's Pose), Pigeon Variations, Savasana and more. Enjoy.
Up Next in Deep Stretch Classes
Carleen's Cool Down Stretch
Join Carleen for a great cool down and stretch flow! This is a nice short sequence which will work well after completing a more intense sequence or you can use this class as a stand alone sequence to end your day or to get a nice stretch or restore when you're looking to take it a bit easy. The c...
Brianna's Deep Stretch
If you're looking for a good solid deep stretch, then this class with Brianna may just do the trick! This sequence is slower paced with a nice focus on deeper postures with an emphasis on holding the poses for a longer time. The class includes different variations of lunges and hamstring stretche...