Twist It & Rinse
Twisting Classes
Twisting yoga postures are known to aid digestion and also promote spine flexibility and health. Twisting can also help promote better blood circulation. Twists can also stimulate our organs with movement which many believe can lead to a detoxification by allowing fresh blood to enter the organ. This class is about 30 minutes in length and is considered an All Levels class. Poses include Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge), Utkatasana (Chair Pose), Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Vasisthasana (Side Plank), Thread The Needle and more. As always practice safely. Enjoy!
Up Next in Twisting Classes
Daniela's Revolve & Twist
Twisting is just one of many beneficial aspects of hitting the mat for yoga class. Numerous yoga poses help to twist and revolve the spine. These twists are great for detoxing the body, releasing stress and can also help promote spine flexibility. We all know a flexible spine is a healthy spine! ...
Ariana's Twist It & Detox Flow
Twisting postures are widely known to have a variety of benefits. These poses can help with back pain, aid in digestion, help the body detox, reduce stress, tone the abs, and some twisting postures also provide a balance challenge. This class with Ariana is about 45 minutes in length and will off...
Leeza's Twist Out
It's awesome to welcome Leeza Yurchenko to our site! Leeza's first class is focused on helping you detox and release tension with twisting postures. Twisting poses offer many benefits, twisting is a great way to help detox the body and twisting is also beneficial for a healthy spine. In some case...