Nikka's Twist Flow & Detox
Twisting Classes
We thrilled to add Nikka Nadia to our site! Nikka's first class is a beginner sequence aimed to help you work on twisting postures. Twisting poses offer many benefits, twisting is a great way to help detox the body and twisting is also beneficial for a healthy spine. In some cases, twisting can also help with lower back pain and digestion. This class is 32 minutes in length and suited for most beginner students. Poses include Adho Mukha Svanasana(Downward-Facing Dog), Easy Pose with a twist, Low Lunge Twist, Marichyasana (Marichi's Pose), Parsva Balasana (Thread The Needle Pose), Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose), Savasana (Corpse Pose) and more. As always practice safely. Enjoy!
Up Next in Twisting Classes
Kim's Yoga Twists & Detox
Kim is back with another cool class! This time Kim will lead you through a 30 minute slow paced class that will focus on twisting postures. This sequence could work well for either the intermediate yogi or beginner, some beginners may find a few of the poses a little challenging. Twisting posture...
Dana's Fun Twists & Core
It's awesome to have Dana Kraft as a new instructor! Dana's main focus is yoga for athletes, and she's the yoga instructor for the Golden State Warriors. Dana's first class for the site is focused on finding twists from the core. This class is perhaps best suited for the experienced beginner or i...
Mary's Basic Twisting Flow
Mary's latest class is a 40 minute sequence focused on twisting postures. Twisting postures provide benefit for the internal organs and also can help with digestion. It's also common to hear twisting referred to as detoxing twists. This class is suited for the beginner but will likely provide a n...