Stephanie's Touch Your Toes
Deep Stretch Classes
Let's face it, many people experience the frustration of lacking flexibility. Many new yoga students may lack the flexibility to touch their own toes, but yoga may be able to help! This class will use numerous poses to stretch the hamstrings and hopefully increase flexibility. We would consider this a beginner class with simple stretching postures. If you lack the flexibility to touch your toes, perhaps this class with Stephanie will open the door! Poses include Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Ardha Hanumanasana (Half Splits), Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Legged Forward Fold Pose), Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) and more. As always practice safely. Enjoy!
Up Next in Deep Stretch Classes
Flow To Splitsville
If you're looking to work on your endurance and flexibility, this class with Drinie will offer the chance to keep moving and also practice poses to help you achieve adding those pesky splits to your practice! Splits can be quite challenging and this class will present the chance to flow with a mi...
Simple Yoga: Basic Stretch
Of course, yoga is well known for it's offering of poses to help make us more flexible! Flexibilty can actually help us avoid injury and even make some daily tasks a little easier. Better spine flexibilty is also an important aspect of having a healthy back. This class is only about 20 minutes in...
Daniela's Gentle Yin Thigh Stretch
Daniela is back for another slow paced Yin class, this time she will help you work on developing lower body flexibility! The class will include poses that will stretch the thighs, hamstrings and the groins. Like most Yin classes, you will have the chance to hold postures longer and hopefully move...