Kimberly's Stretch & Unwind
20 Minute Classes
This class with Kimberly is a short and sweet sequence that will help you to stretch and hopefully unwind. Most of us can agree that almost nothing feels better than a good stretch. Many believe that stretching becomes more important as we age, and many also consider stretching to be an important factor in trying to avoid injuries. This class is just over 20 minutes in length so it should work well for those on a tight schedule. Kimberly keeps that class simple and therefore it's suited for the beginner. A strap will come in handy for some of the postures. Poses include a variety of hamstring stretches, Baby Pigeon, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose), Happy Baby and more. As always practice safely. Enjoy!
Up Next in 20 Minute Classes
Lulu's Sweet Moon Salutations
It's always nice to have Lulu and her soothing voice back on the site for another class! This time Lulu will guide you through a short and sweet class that's focused on traditional Moon Salutations. The class will help you to ground your energy and tap into your Yin receptive energy. Lulu starts ...
Ariadne's Open Hearts & Open Mind
We're thrilled to add Ariadne to our site as an instructor! In her first class, Ariadne will guide you through a short sequence to help open the heart and the shoulders. After a day of hunching at our desks and driving through traffic, we tend to gather tension in our shoulders and neck. Heart op...
Nikka's Loving Kindness Meditation
In this class, Nikka will guide you through a short 25 minute Loving Kindness Meditation. The meditation will help you lower stress, activate empathy and emotional processing, increase positive emotions and decrease negative emotions. Hopefully, you may also fine that meditation will increase you...