Jen's Fun Arm Balances
20 Minute Classes
Jen's latest class will give you the chance to work on your core strength and play around with those ever so fun arm balances! Of course, we all love those tricky arm balance poses, they're fun and at the same time they can drive you crazy! Like most yoga postures, arm balances require good core strength and Jen will try to lead you through a 25 minute class to help you build a foundation for nailing those arm balances. Naturally, this class is best suited for intermediate students who have started to experiment and practice arm balance postures. Poses include Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Bakasana(Crow Pose), Parsva Bakasana (Side Crow), Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Variations (Flying Pigeon), Parsva Bakasana and more! Enjoy.
Up Next in 20 Minute Classes
LaMer's Moving Meditation
If you're familar with La Mer's classes then you already know that her sequences are known to be very fluid with smooth movements. In this class La Mer dives into what she would consider a Moving Meditation, or what we may refer to as a Slow Flow. The class is focused on fluid movement at a nice ...
Mary's Tension Releasing Shoulder Ope...
We're thrilled to have Mary Haberski join us as an instructor here on YogaMerge! Mary has a totally cool vibe as a teacher and we're sure that you'll enjoy her classes. Mary's first class is designed to help you release the tension from your shoulder and neck which builds up in our daily lives. T...
Melissa's Beginner Wake Up Flow
This time Melissa will lead you through a 24 minute Wake Up Flow to help you start your day centered, grounded, and energized! The sequence certainly works for the beginner and offers a variety of postures to help get the blood flowing. The flow moves at a slow to medium pace which should any lev...