Drinie's Funky Forearm Flow
Intermediate Classes
It doesn't take long to realize that forearm poses offer much challenge, even for yogis with experience! However, practicing on your forearms offers a chance to get stronger and can lead to much satisfaction as your practice gets better over time. This flow will incorporate a variety of forearm poses and forearm balances to test your limits! This class would be considered Intermediate to Advanced, likely not for the beginner. Blocks and a strap may be helpful. Poses include Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Utkatasana (Chair Pose), Anjaneyasana (Crescent Pose), Forearm Plank, Baby Crow Pose and more. As always practice safely. Enjoy!
Up Next in Intermediate Classes
Kim's Time Saving Leg Toner
If you're running short on time, this class with Kim should help! This sequence is only about 15 minutes in length and it's dedicated to postures that will help you make the legs stronger. Many of these poses will also help to tone and tighten the glutes. The class would fall into the Intermediat...
Drinie's Mini-Workshop: Forearm Stand
Arm balances are a ton of fun but they present a challenge of strength and balance. This class will focus on postures to help build the core strength needed to attain Forearm Stand. If you're not quite ready to try an arm balance, the class will still aid in building strength for your future arm ...
Drinie's Shoulder Heaven
There's no doubt that in today's society most of us carry a lot tension and stress in our upper body, especically the shoulders. Many of us spend our days hunched at a computer or staring at our mobile phones and we usually perform these activities with poor posture. This class will help open the...