Happy Morning Sun Flow Preview
Free Class Previews
2m 8s
Needless to say, having a good start to your day is helpful! If you enjoy kicking off your morning with yoga, then this class may hit the spot. Nikka will offer up a 30 minute flow class with plenty of energy creating movement and some wonderful Sun Salutations! We would consider this class to be suitable for most beginners with a little challenge, so we'll call it an Intermediate Level class. Poses include Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Utkatasana (Chair Pose), Navasana (Boat Pose), Anjaneyasana (Crescent Pose), Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II), Ukata Konasana (Goddess Pose) and more. As always practice safely. Enjoy!
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