Carleen's Beginner Flow
20 Minute Classes
This time Carleen leads us through a nice 20 minute vinyasa flow beginners class. If you looking a simple introduction class to get the blood flowing but not wanting to take on too much, then this class may work well for you. The class is heavy on repetition with a simple vinyasa flow sequence great for beginners but still providing a solid workout. Poses include downward dog(Adho Mukha Svanasana), high lunge, warrior II(Virabhadrasana II), warrior III(Virabhadrasana III), triangle(Utthita Trikonasana), standing scissors and more. Enjoy.
Up Next in 20 Minute Classes
Carleen's Core & Abs Workout
If you're in need of a good solid core workout, then join Carleen for this intense 20 minute core/abs workout. Carleen provides a nice core sequence which provides emphasis on the entire core, including the upper and lower back. This class also includes some dance and ballet conditioning moves al...